Carol age 6

Carol age 6
Carol Carlson, age 6

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday,  June 19, 2012

We're on our way back home.  I'm seated between two people, a woman and a man, and Andy is on the opposite side of the plane, middle seat also. The man on my right is reading my book. The woman is reading her kindle. The woman is drinking wine. The man is drinking water. From what he told me so far, which was as close to a life history as one dares reveal on an airplane, I think, he drank enough in years previous and prefers water now. Maybe coffee.

Our time in Niagara Falls was great. The falls are amazing. Dwarfs compared to God's mighty power, but a tangible (the man stopped reading and told me he liked my book, then started reading again.) example of power, out of our hands and given to us by the Almighty.

I am thinking about the huge blessing this week has been. I can't even start to name off the "coincidences" that have happened. The timing. The people put in my path. The providential meetings with people that put me exactly where I needed to be. I am full of wonder and hope.

We watched the tight rope walker walk over Niagara Falls on TV the night before we were in the area. I was moved by his constant dialogue with the Lord. He kept on saying, "Thank you Lord, praise you Lord" and I have done much the same this past week. I have been taken on a journey I will forever cherish and appreciate.

So I'm ready to publish my book. I didn't get any book deals or leads at this festival, it wasn't that kind of experience. But I did see regular people, college professors mostly, who have done the hard work of getting published and sticking to the craft and calling the rough draft, their third draft. (the guy reading my book is nodding and clicking his tongue. "She just saw her dad, sitting by the store on the way to Virgil's," he said. I think I have him hooked.)

This man has been telling me his story. Born in the Midwest, the illegitimate son of a 15 year old mother. His mom died when he was seven, his dad didn't know he was his, his step dad raised him with another woman until the step dad left and the woman…he ended up in an orphanage, broke out on Thanksgiving break, and is sitting next to me I don't even know how many feet up in the air. Turns out he knows the two men that were in my Dental Hygiene class, through music. He plays in a band with one of them. Holy nelly!

People's lives. So diverse, complicated, tragic, purposeful-even when they feel purposeless. I'm ready to come home, to keep writing and finish this book, start another, and be with all the people that make life worth living. Andy and I have had a marvelous time, but home is home and the grass needs mowing and I want to hug all my kids and grand kids because I can't hug my mom and grandma. I have been on a walk around my history and am so grateful. Thank you Lord.


  1. Great to have you home! Can't wait to give you a huge hug. I love you :)

  2. WOW!!!!! I'm glad you taught me how to finish the blog! I missed the very best parts!!!! The Bible, the basement, the precious man on the plane!!!!! I'm so happy for your Joy!
